Unlock Pain-Free Living
and Functional Freedom

Discover the Hierarchy of Movement Methodology

Who Do We Help?

Hierarchy of Movement supports people with physical challenges such as arthritis and injury and self-regulation challenges such as anxiety and heart issues.

Additionally, Hierarchy of Movement can supercharge the existing practices of athletes, musicians, yogis, and more!

Sing, Swim, and Be Pain Free!

"[Norman Allard's classes are] changing my swimming and my drumming and my general well-being...my walking and my singing as well. And the list continues to grow!"

-Jill Elkenberry

How Do We Help?

Hierarchy of Movement offers a Foundations Program, YMBA (Yoga, Movement, Breath, Awareness) classes, Self-Regulation programs, and personalized 1:1 sessions.

Where Mind and Body Meet

"I value the classes. They are a form of meditation for me as well as help with my physical issues."

-Randy Tate

What We Offer . . .

Explore the four options below to learn more about how we can help you!

Personalized 1:1 Sessions

We can work with you in person (preferred) or over Zoom to provide 1:1 assessment, gentle hands-on techniques, and home programs.

Click the photo above to learn more!


Every Hierarchy of Movement student begins their journey with the Foundations Program, an online, self-paced course guided by Norman and Debra.

Click the photo above to learn more!


Take Foundations to the next level! Intelligent and Safe, we use Yoga, Movement, Breath, and Awareness to continue our journey from the inner body outward.

Click the photo above to learn more!

Self Regulation

Take a deep dive into the autonomic nervous system that leads to mind-body connection, coordination, and control.

Click the photo above to learn more!

Beyond Back Pain!

"In addition to keeping me going now at 86, with this work, I live with No Pain! I garden, I do T'ai Chi, I walk and enjoy my body's movement indoors and out! Before beginning my work with Norm, I had considerable back pain."

-Ann Griffin

Who We Are

I'm Norman Allard, a mind-body practitioner with over 40 years of experience. I've developed Hierarchy of Movement (HōM), drawing from diverse bodywork and movement systems like yoga, sports medicine, and chiropractic. My journey led to transformative results for students, and I now offer HōM online to help people worldwide experience pain-free, functional living.
Join me on this journey.


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